Romantic Movies 2009 Imaginary Enemies

Romantic Movies 2009 Imaginary Enemies

Qzi1rf915b_500.jpg' alt='Romantic Movies 2009 Imaginary Enemies ' title='Romantic Movies 2009 Imaginary Enemies ' />Fan. Fiction. Author has written 5. Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Sailor Moon, Inuyasha, Harry Potter, Highlander, Naruto, X overs, Stargate SG 1, Smallville, Justice League, Star Trek 2. Supernatural, Batman the Animated Series, Stargate Atlantis, Avengers, Thor, Twilight, Sherlock, and Hobbit. Ive read, reviewed and written fan fiction for a long time but tend to post very sporadically. When I have the time. I like developingreadingwriting fan fic for different media verses TV, movies, books, cartoons anime TV Bt. VS, Pretender, Sentinel, Highlander, Smallville, Stargate SG1 and Atlantis, Supernatural, XFiles Anime Sailor Moon, Inu. Yasha, Naruto, Bleach, Gundam Wing, Voltron, Ranma, Tenchi Muyo. Books TPierce Tortall and Circle, DWeber Honor Harrington, LMBujold Vorkosigan Saga, LHamilton Anita Blake, LHamilton Meredith Gentry Faerie, JKRowling Harry Potter Movies Labyrinth, XMen, Hannibal, Matrix, Batman, Star Trek. I tend to follow authors whose writing style and plots or pairings interest me even if I never readseen the verse book, movie, show. Thats how I got introduced to Ranma, Tenchi Muyo, Labyrinth, etc. I prefer unconventional and anti heros pairings in crossovers or not. They allow the writer greater depth and flexibility. Not much is known about the true feelings and history of these characters so the possibilities are endless. My fics tend to be focused around particular female characters I like or feel I can write true to. Watch Full Movies Free Online Streaming in HD 720, 1080p quality, popular trailers, comments, and new full films online free in best quality. Watch free Family movies online at Popcornflix. Popcornflix has hundreds of Family movies to watch for free online. Laura Prepon photos, including production stills, premiere photos and other event photos, publicity photos, behindthescenes, and more. It makes sense, reallyRagnarok is the third movie in the Thor series, and were several more movies into the Marvel Cinematic Universe as a whole. Best poems and quotes from famous poets. Read romantic love poems, love quotes, classic poems and best poems. All famous quotes. Sarhea is a fanfiction author that has written 55 stories for Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Sailor Moon, Inuyasha, Harry Potter, Highlander, Naruto, Xovers, Stargate. This is featured post 1 title. You can easy customize the featured slides from the theme options page, on your Wordpress dashboard. You can also disable featured. Archive Here are all the comics Ive done. If youre looking for a particular comic, the search engine can help you out The comics are presented here in reverse. Big Hollywood covers and uncovers the glitz and glamour of the Hollywood left with reviews, interviews, and inside scoops about your favorite entertainment. Then I pick a male from the same or a different fandom. Then I wonder just how they could meet and voila Here are some of the pairings I have outlines for and have written complete and WIPsHP Severus Willow, Usagi, Cordelia, Hermione. HL Methos Willow, Dawn, Hermione, Usagi DC Clark Chloe, Kagome, Dawn, Hermione. DC Bruce Chloe, Kagome, Hermione, Willow, Cordelia. IY Sesshoumaru Kagome, Willow, Usagi. Naruto Minato Kagome, Usagi, Hermione. Naruto Itachi Kagome, Usagi, Hermione, Naruto female, I read yaoi but suck at writing it shrugsStar Trek Spock Chapel, Hermione, Willow. Voltron Lotor Allura. Some of the pairings Ive listed dont have any fics, at least on fanfiction. Yet. Ive got several notebooks filled with ideas and plot bunnies running wild in my head but limited time to actually write. Lots of my fics came out of the idea for a single scene or concept, or what if. Recently Ive started following various Livejournal communities. Kudos to all those brave souls organizing and moderating communities, big bangs, and exchanges. I enjoy the benefits of their efforts but shudder at the thought of pulling something like that together. If you are interested please visit my livejournal. Ive signed up for several big bangs and exchanges myself. It provides some incentivemotivation to write and finish pretty banners and gorgeous fanfic art. I suck at photoshop myself. Please note many of them and the sites Ive listed on my LJ account might have slashyaoi and might be quite graphic. I do take a long time to write and update my fics so Be Patient Or put me on your Author Alert list b. Since fanfiction. I also archive and read fics at other sites. I post Kag. Sess fics AO3 for all fandoms, esp MA fics www. Im going to try to keep this going since it is fandom comprehensive. Hermione Granger centric fics Buffy the Vampire Slayer crossovers My LJFor now Dokuga, Fanfiction. AO3 will be updated first. When I get the time Im going to put masterposts on my LJ account and crosspost the fics I have there to AO3 and Fanfiction. I have also listed a number of authors and fics among my favourites that I really enjoy. You might as well so have a look see, read the recommended fics, explore a little, enjoy. For fans of Hermione Granger Severus Snape I recommend a few sitesgroups dedicated to that pairing. Love Sesshoumaru and Kagome the best collectioncommunity for this pairing Fics that used to be on A Single Spark, read only archive. Fans of Bt. VS xovers like Willow and Severus OR Buffy and Harry OR Hermione and Xander OR Willow and Methos OR Willow and Daniel OR Buffy and Jack Twisting the Helllmouth is an archive dedicated to Bt. VS xovers. Try these. Journeyverse and Wandererverse are two huge multiverse xovers. You have to read it to believe it Fans of The Sentinel Try these. Susans collaborations with Maedoc are long but well written. Virtual seasons for The Sentinel And remember people, this is Fan Fiction Anything Goes. If you dont like a particular pairing, crossover or explicit scenes read the summary and author notes Its not fun having your stories pulled out because of a few prudes. Happy Holidays everyone. Dimanche Movie Divx. I posted several new and old fics here. Some were originally on my LJ account or Dokuga only. Enjoy and hope you have a prosperous new year Sarhea. Updated July 1. 5, 2.

Romantic Movies 2009 Imaginary Enemies
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